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Return [03/03/2025 - 15:26]

It's not like anyone cares... but I accidentally took a break from the website after uploading the bn + tbs graphics.. but I'm back now! I can't promise that I'll remember to actively update this site but I do like it so.. I'm gonna try again. I saw Thursday + Silverstein on the 1st of the month and I've kind of only been listening to them at the moment so I might have to add sections of the site for them. Apart from that I will try and upload some more stuff soon but I'll probably take an unannounced break again at some point.

oops! [29/12/2024 - 18:10]

I completely forgot to upload pictures... I'm gonna do it tonight instead, probably starting with graphics..I have quite a few brand new + taking back sunday graphics on my computer already so they're probably gonna be the first to go up.
Edit [20:31]: Brand new and TBS graphics are up!! I also uploaded like all the brandnew/tbs pics I have on my laptop to my image hosting site of choice.. so they'll go up at some point over the next couple days.

First news post! [27/12/2024 - 21:50]

Hihihihihihi this is my first news post! I just added the news + contact pages to the site and did some small changes to pages I already had. I am officially unabandoning this website. I plan on adding some pictures soon, hopefully tonight. I also want to add a marquee feature to the banners that are on each band page, so I'm gonna have to try and figure out how to do that. And then once I get bored of coding for the night I'm gonna try and find more people on neocities who like similar music to me. That's all I have planned for the website for right now. With the pictures, Brand new are probably gonna be the first I start on since they're my fav right now - I'm also gonna try and figure out a sidebar thing for the pictures pages and sort them into sections. Hopefully I'm not too stupid to figure this stuff out, wish me luck.
- RyRy (get it like the glassjaw song)
Edit [23:57]: I'm gonna add a bunch of brand new pictures tomorrow (in the day...not in 5 minutes) since I can't be bothered sorting it all out yet.. gonna have to upload all the pics I've collected onto some picture hosting website + I'm gonna make the page as neat as possible by doing thumbnails that will lead to the full picture when pressed, so I'm still gonna need those wishes of luck